Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shame Of The Nation

Arnold Schwarzenegger Will undoubtedly go down as the most disliked governor in California state history after implementing his plan of budget cuts that were announced recently. California residents should feel some sort of responsibility for placing such an insensitive individual in public office, for it is the weakest and most needy individuals that will become collateral damage in this financial debacle. President Obama just announced NO BAILOUTS FOR CALIFORNIA, so help from the feds should not be expected. The cuts go as follows, elimination of welfare to work programs effecting approximately 500,000 family's, terminating health care for 1-million children statewide known as healthy family's, and Medi-Cal for residents 65 and older, no emergency health care for undocumented immigrants, phase out the Cal-Grant college aid program for students with enough audacity of hope to believe a college education is still important, cutting general fund support for state parks in half, releasing criminals a year early, borrowing 2-billion from local municipal budgets, lay off 5,000 state workers, cut K-12 school funding, this does not even include projected cuts to the disabled, and elderly, fire protection, law enforcement, those cuts will come later down the line.

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