Wednesday, July 1, 2009

State Of Emergency

The actions of California's highest elected official Arnold Schwarzenegger are not only irresponsible, they lack common sense and display several other unenviable traits all at the expense of California's weakest and most vulnerable citizens. To think that children's services, the disabled, homeless, and education will feel the brunt of this economic tsunami that Arnold is leveling against them is inconceivable. Those that elected this individual will also suffer from the lack of essential services such as fire protection and law enforcement. The Sacramento sheriffs department alone plans to cut patrol officers by over fifty percent, and is now endorsing the concept of concealed weapons permits so that citizens can protect themselves. The Governor also believes that the legalization of marijuana is a viable solution in solving the states deficit problems. This guy makes Grey Davis look like a genius and a saint to boot. But the fact that a bad motion picture actor from Hollywood has HOODWINKED Californians into believing that he was capable of performing the tasks of his office is no reason to except his incompetence.

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