Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Madoff Effect

Now that disgraced fund manager Bernard Madoff has been sentenced to 150-years in federal prison, and must return 171-billion dollars for running the largest ponzi scheme in history by bilking thousands of investors worldwide of their retirement accounts, its high time to shine the spotlight on the hundreds if not thousands of fellow rats within the walls of Wall street. This would be the perfect time to bailout the taxpayers in our country by disclosing the means and funds in which an elite group of mainly hedge fund managers worldwide manipulated the stock market, destroying our banking system and sending the U.S. economy into a tailspin. The CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP market and other mechanisms have enabled these fund managers access to TRILLIONS of dollars at our country's expense. By establishing a National Economic Security Council, and labeling all trades made within the last fourteen months as subversive activity, in which it can be PROVED that institutions or corporate entities were brought down by these individuals. Transparency and an audit of these stock trades would put several trillion dollars back into a depleted economy and revitalize a scenario desperate for solutions. All offenders could still keep their jobs and assets made outside the fourteen month time frame. The National Economic Security Council would of course RE-REGULATE the process that caused the damage to these entities, as to prevent any future occurrences.

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