Monday, May 4, 2009

Dont Unpack Your Bags Just Yet:

Last month Rush Limbaugh declared defiantly that he would be abandoning his penthouse in New York City, for some new digs in Florida due to an unjust tax burden placed on himself and other wealthy individuals by the state. It appears that he just might have to leave the country in order to live the opulent lifestyle he has become so accustomed to here in the U.S. without being subject to Barack Obamas new WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION program that the Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced today. No more tax LOOPHOLES declared the feds. Apparently they plan to abolish the massive benefits big corporations and wealthy individuals receive by off-shore banking, and doing business in foreign countries. This administrations vision of the future is becoming clearer daily and it does not look bright for the rich. A storm is brewing and its wrath is in the form of CLASS WARFARE, by the end of Obamas first term the playing field should be level, and the wealthy will be reduced to groundskeepers. Forget the kids attending MIT with a degree in mathematics, and becoming a successful DERIVATIVES trader or HEDGE FUND MANAGER on Wall Street. Instead they will be prepared for jobs in such stimulus programs as road construction, or GREEN ECONOMY projects. Rush will be broadcasting his show from the Camen Islands, but the upside is Havana is only a short flight for those great cigars he likes to smoke.

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