Monday, May 18, 2009

Twist Of Fate

Today Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama met at the White House to discuss the Iranian dilemma. It is widely believed that Iran is only fourteen months from having enough enriched uranium to assemble a nuclear weapon, and has already achieved the missile technology as a carrier system that is easily within range of the tiny state of Israel. Due to the genocidal comments made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad aimed towards the people of Israel, it is good to see that both countries have an open dialogue and are in agreement that something must be done immediately. Ironically the Palestinians could become Israel's greatest allies, as they must realize that they themselves would become nuclear collateral damage if Iran's anti-Semitic goals were to come to fruition. Due mainly to the close proximity of several Arab countries surrounding the Gaza strip, a strange twist of fate could develop between mortal enemies. Peace cannot happen without the Arab world admitting that Israel has the right to exist. Although Ahmadinejad does not have the capability to act on his controversial beliefs as he is not Iran's supreme leader, that privilege is the Seyyed Ali Khameini's. This threat must be dealt with soon, as this could propel the world into a state of war of epic proportions.

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