Friday, May 8, 2009

Regulatory Control Ahead

Representatives of the trade groups such as large securities firms, hedge funds, and banking institutions met today as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner laid out his plans to formulate a position where one individual is in charge of mitigating SYSTEMIC RISK within the marketplace. If risk is found he or she will impose regulation to stem any damage that the regulator perceives. This revelation by the Treasury Secretary will undoubtedly cause a view of extreme divergence, and slow the process. Barack Obama has already let it be known that he wishes to have this legislation in place and the position filled by the end of the year. I believe that a council would better serve this purpose, for the mere fact that an excessive concentration of control in the hands of CEO'S and HEDGE MANAGERS is most likely what got us into this economic dilemma, and to much control by ONE regulator could have a similar effect. The net result from these firms perspective is reduced latitude in trades and sectors, thus reducing their ability to reap great profits for their clients. Hopefully the right decisions are made as the taxpayer is undoubtedly on the hook for deals cut on either end.

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