Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Up In Smoke

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has apparently come up with a plan for increasing state revenue by working towards legalizing Marijuana and taxing those that use it for RECREATIONAL purposes. Maria and the kids must be proud to have such a good role model at home, imagine his children at school when another kid yells across the quad: HEY TELL YOUR DAD THANKS, as they light up a joint. Its individuals like Arnold that give California a bad reputation. His bright idea of putting an Indian gaming casino on every corner seems to have had little positive impact on the states deficit problems, and this idea probably would follow suit if passed. What kind of message does this send to our children, and those hard working individuals in law enforcement fighting the war on drugs, and the crime that it promotes? Has it gotten to the point where electing politicians with ethics and comprehensive solutions to budget problems is impossible? Its easy to see why Schwarzenegger has recently achieved the distinguished award of the second lowest approval rating in California history, only to his predecessor Gray Davis which was ejected from office.

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