Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bad News For The Wealthy

Mr Obamas health care overhaul blueprint was unveiled on Saturday, and apparently their was a substantial error in the estimate of the original proposal, what does this mean? The government is going to need more money than they thought, lots more. So they decided to appropriate the funds by tightening Estate tax rules, giving wealthy taxpayers less flexibility to minimize their liability on inherited goods. Businesses will also be targeted to close the gap on the shortfall, they estimate a needed one Trillion dollars to reach their goal of socialized medicine. If their health care plan plays out like the recent bailouts in the banking sector, one Trillion dollars is grossly underestimated. The middle class is no longer the preferred target to acquire additional funding for the plethora of projects on this administrations drawing board. Support for these agendas increase daily as the media continues its unrelenting coverage 24-7, and the power of their adversaries diminish. Who would of thought that the Republicans spokesman Rush Limbaugh would fall so far and so fast. He is now viewed by the left as an Right wing whack-job, not to be taken as a serious threat, now that two thirds of Americans consider themselves Democrats.

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