Friday, May 6, 2011


To say that our economy is on a path of improvement, is a contradiction of the latest core data numbers that clearly reflect a downturn at best. The numbers show that consumer spending has come to a screeching halt due to the high price of food, and fuel at the pumps. GDP has contracted to 1.8% this year from 3.1% last year. Unemployment has risen from 8.8% to 9% with only an anemic 200,000 jobs created recently. The increase in corporate earnings is due to internal cost cutting which cannot be replicated next year without a pattern of growth. A continued decline in the dollar and the rise of commodities send a clear message of a bubble driven stock market, and increased inflationary conditions. And the news to be released by the Fed in June, as to ending or continuing its quantitative easing policies will undoubtedly put massive pressure on the bull run of late on wall street. Those that agree that all is well are in clear violation of the laws of common sense. But as we all know we did not arrive at this juncture by making intelligent, prudent decisions.

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