Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reversal Of Fortune

Many corporate titans have looked outside the boarders of the United states in an effort to find cheap labor and huge tax benefits. Now the lions share of highly sought after engineering positions here in the U.S. are being given to students from other countries. Some CEO's have stated that these individuals are more driven, and willing to get the job done for less than American students, they are given temporary visas which usually last only two years and can reapply after the visa expires. This trend of in-sourcing technology talent, is just another nail in the coffin for kids born in this country looking to capitalize on a great career. Our government is just as responsible as these greedy corporate entities, in enabling this dysfunctional activity to progress. As over 15 million unemployed Americans barely get by, they are being replaced by non citizen's at an alarming rate. This country seems to be on an unsustainable trajectory at so many levels, it would be shameful to alter significantly the most important part of the American Dream which is Higher Education, and the ability to find employment in the occupation of your choosing.

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