Saturday, May 14, 2011

End Of The Golden Age

As America approaches the 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit level this year it appears to be on track to be replaced by China, India, and any other fiscally responsible contender as the preeminent economic superpower. Our seemingly endless spending binge is running its coarse, and even more importantly we do not seem to have any viable solutions to offset continued quantitative easing positions made by the authorities. At the same time other nations are working diligently to provide young innovators with a higher level of education followed by an already higher level of work ethic. These two elements will provide the needed one, two knockout punch that replaces us on the global stage. We will always have a seat at the g20 summit due to our nuclear proliferation capabilities, but our monetary credibility is definitely in decline. This nation will watch as others pass us in providing the world with essential products needed to combat the most important issue of our lifetime within the renewable energy sector. If we are to reverse these trends we must act now by first mitigating any fiscal decision making that involves deficit spending, and allow innovative revenue growth generation to take hold and expand. This can only occur as much needed venture capitol is allowed to flood back into the marketplace.

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