Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trump Cant Win Because He Tells The Truth.

Donald Trump continues his Truth Brigade in his most recent interview, by saying that he hates the way our country is being run, and that our leaders are one of three things STUPID, LACK COMMON SENSE, OR ARE BEING CORRUPTED BY LOBBYIST. He stated that the Arab League which is considerably wealthier than the United States lets us fight their wars for them literally, and we pay the high price of that war, and we receive zero reimbursement for doing so. He also stated that OPEC continues to gouge us on the high price of oil, and the market speculators cannot solely shoulder the blame. Trump is so candid and incapable of lying when discussing our inept leadership, and this will put him at a great disadvantage, if he does decide to run. Americans usually side with corrupt politicians and are incapable of electing someone so truthful and frank. In addition someone that has borrowed lots of money, and then actually has saved money would be totally out of the question due to the saving part of the equation. He also cant play a submissive role when dealing with world leaders, which is not a good trait for our foreign policy positions. And finally trump probably has actual proof of his citizenship which seals his fate in being a genuine candidate.

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