Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bronze Years

The tip of the Boomer iceberg is about to retire, and an unexpected hiccup in their golden retirement plans is manifesting before our eyes. The need for financial assistance from children and grandchildren of these individuals is growing at an accelerated rate. The economy has hammered them from every angle, and they no longer have access to cheap available credit and the ability to purchase homes, cars, electronic devices, and all the things a young person wants and needs are dwindling fast. They are turning to mom and dad for everything from 20% down on a home to childcare costs so they can continue to work. This all ads up to a huge correction in a retirees plans, from cancelled world tours to saying goodbye to country club memberships. This problem can be generational as grandparents are asked to float their grand children's educational cost's in the future. These unforeseen unanticipated situation's should expand as more collateral damage is realized from the great recession.

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