Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Debt Ceiling Made Of Glass

Last week the political circus was in town and every American had tickets to the big top. Right before the fat lady was scheduled to sing our political leaders decided to do what they do best, borrow additional funds to float our governments operating costs for the time being. The following day the storyline was all about the two party's picking a winner, was it Obama or was it Boehner?We definitely know who lost in this fiasco, the American taxpayer. Now we are on to the next disagreement the debt ceiling, a perpetual time bomb ready to break this country's fiscal back. In the not to distant future we should crack the twenty trillion mark, the American dollar will continue to be worth less and Americans will spend more and have less disposable income, in an attempt to purchase vital commodities. At some point tax code modification will be the only alternative as massive deficit depletion takes hold. In addition an Austerity policy implementation will take effect with huge entitlement cuts to all programs, and the public sector will destabilize just as we have witnessed in Europe recently. Other country's will lose a little more respect as we move down one more rung on the global ladder.

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