Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Hurricane Called Inflation

Cost pressures are everywhere due to the Feds insatiable appetite for Printing Money. The prices at the pump have risen dramatically recently, cotton is at its highest level in a decade, copper is the highest its been in 40 years, and the price of corn, sugar, wheat, beef, pork, and coffee are going through the roof as we speak. Just as we have recently witnessed in China's effort to cool inflationary pressures in its own economy, rates will undoubtedly rise here in the U.S. cooling the jets of recovery in the mortgage sector. Corporate earnings will contract due to higher internal costs, welcome to the world of Quantitative Easing. We have borrowed and spent are way into a financial quagmire and according to the Obama administrations latest budget plans, the poor and middle class must absorb the hit. Areas like the student loan market, Medical, Medicaid, home heating for the poor, children's programs, social security, welfare, and everything considered an entitlement will be on the chopping blocks. Is this really the type of people we want to become?. The answers wont be easy, but the line of ethical and moral issues have to be addressed if this Nation is to continue on a successful path.

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