Sunday, March 6, 2011

Derailing Higher Education

Apparently a change is in the works for those that are seeking a graduate degree that will undoubtedly kill the aspirations for many students dream of a Higher Education. Instead of interest being paid back for Federal student loans after a student graduates, it will begin accruing from the first day of there first class, making the total cost outlandish. This type of activity is no different than the corrupt mechanisms developed by the Mortgage Industry to entrap individuals that have no other option in achieving the American dream. Our kids are already under attack by many schools, in the form of unreasonable escalating fees levied by prominent learning institutions throughout the country. This problem is rampant in California where the Board Of Regents is left to spread its systemic fee damage. In turn social unrest has developed at many demonstrations at college campuses throughout the state. These individuals have allowed wealth managers to lose over twenty four billion dollars in endowment money in recent years, and the students, faculty and others have to pay the price for inept investment participation. Recently an estimate of Trillions of dollars in student loan defaults is to be expected in the next decade. Could this move be a strategic hedge against future exposure rates by the Federal government?. If this is the case the shape of higher education will change from one of equal access to all, to only those individuals that come from affluent family's where financial aid is not needed, and students lucky enough to obtain a full ride scholarship.

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