Sunday, March 20, 2011

Novel Idea

Lets try something new, like taking care of the multi-faceted problems within the boarders of the United States. I think a little NATION BUILDING at home is definitely in order don't you?. Lets cool the jets on dismantling various governments around the globe, and start demanding better decision making processes from our own. How can we afford the fuel for f-16s to fire missiles around the globe when we cant even afford to send our astronauts to the space station anymore?. This weeks revelation that we intend to pay the Russians big money to hitch a ride for the next several years, instead of flying ourselves there is proof enough. We have wasted excessive amounts of borrowed capitol on funding governmental regimes and infrastructure, when the money could be well spent on funding the next generation of young innovators, and taking care of the generation that allowed us the success we now enjoy. Those individuals that claimed that we invaded Iraq for the vast oil reserves were wrong. China's recent contract with Iraq for the future reserves in Iraq is proof of that, and the news that it cost less than 9-Billion dollars adds to further insult to American intelligence. If we start today we can again gain the confidence and respect of other nations, and as Donald Trump says, stop being the laughing stock of the world.

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