Sunday, February 13, 2011

Double Standard

As the world witnesses history in the making in Egypt, our allies should ponder our seemingly dual standard policy position in aligning ourselves with the people, as opposed to the governmental regimes in such international conflicts. If you are a dictator of a small country, or even a large Communist Nation you just got a real time experiment in how the U.S. will react to such an uprising or revolution. Have we completely lost our minds as far as common sense is concerned?. Why not just fly under the radar, and let them work it out for themselves. Instead we have to instruct others by providing an American blueprint or game plan as big brother to the world. Its no wonder were broke as John Boehner stated in his most recent interview, we pay countries like Egypt over a billion dollars a year with borrowed money from China for God knows what. Now one of the Egyptian military leaders stated on their second day of new found independence that a bailout would be needed to rebuild the peoples job base in Egypt. Sounds like code for tighten your seat belt American taxpayer we need some of that Nation-building cash you people are so adept at doling out. At some point our own people are going to start realizing how this really works and start a FACE BOOK REVOLUTION via GOOGLE EXEC themselves.

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