Friday, February 11, 2011

Hornet's Nest

Friday Vice President Joe Biden continued to amaze me with his ability to say what he thinks without consideration of the potential ramifications. Speaking at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, he urged Iranians to let your people march, let your people speak, release your people from jail, let them have a voice. By doing such things we only promote the negative perception of a dangerously meddling nation trying to impose our belief systems throughout the globe in the name of Democracy. We portray ourselves as the worlds savior, when in reality we only increase global Anti-American sentiment and hatred with such remarks. There is a key difference between what is occurring in Egypt between demonstrators and the Egyptian military, and potential demonstrations in Iran and its called lethal force, its much more probable under the same conditions that the Iranian military would open fire on its own people and Biden should consider this possibility before he makes such comments. The Muslim brotherhood and others throughout the world view this as an opportunity to continue to market us as president Mohammad Ahmadinejad likes to call us the Great Satan.

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