Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Of The Times

WOW you could not make this much news up. It seems that just about every day that you turn on the tv set or open a newspaper, there is a barrage of heightened alerts if its not Economic downturns, the Taliban overrunning Pakistan and getting hold of its NUKES, now a possible swine flu pandemic here and abroad. It certainly makes a case for those weak minded individuals that choose not to watch reality unfold daily. I say its better to deal with the truth, even if as old Jack puts it YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. Is it really that bad out your front doorstep? or is the (MASS MEDIA) running this show? You almost need to run out and grab up a prescription of Prozac if you plan on watching tomorrows edition of the situation room with Wolf Blitzer. The escalation of such events are of mind boggling proportions. I guess what I'm getting at, is the Media making very serious situations WORSE by reporting them with such consistency and intensity? or is it their duty as news sources to keep us informed?

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