Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Numbers Dont Lie

Well folks the numbers just came in again, and show this recession is deepening at almost every level. Housing starts are down, unemployment has reached the six million mark nationwide at 8.5% the highest level since 1983, and a staggering 663,000 jobs lost for the month of March alone. Foreclosures are up 24% year to date at a total of 803,489 homes lost, and the second largest retail mall corporation has filed bankruptcy. This all means that those glimmers of hope Barack Obama talks of could just be SMOKE and MIRRORS. For example, why does a program designed to help as many as 9 million individuals keep their homes exist? when about 7.6 million don't even qualify for the program. And his plan for refinancing is even worse. The American people deserve better when it comes to developing comprehensive plans to solve these dilemma's. It would be a shame to get nothing in return for the trillions spent on bailouts, acquisitions, and payoffs.

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