Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Laughing at Trump

Famous TV star and billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump, claims in a recent CNBC interview on Wednesday that when he sought out loans for Commercial real estate acquisitions, he was laughed at. This is not good news for average Americans looking for financing and loans, to float their lifestyles. If the Donald CAN'T get a loan, how can we? And he seemed to be right in the assessment that he thought that they were hoarding the capitol. That is exactly why there doing it, to cover holes in their balance sheets in the form of TOXIC Mortgages, whats worse is these assets continue devaluation, and they don't know when they will bottom. In addition to this problem, the banks aren't required to loan a dime of the capitol given to them by this administration. One of the most respected financial analyst, former Oppenheimer consultant Meredith Whitney said we are looking at an additional thirty percent decline in home values in some areas of the country, as well as being on the verge of a catastrophic credit crunch with lines being cut as much as fifty percent. If she is remotely correct we are not even at the fifty yard line in this recession.

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