Monday, April 13, 2009

The Quickening

If the Obama administration is successful in achieving their carefully laid out agenda, our future should look something like this near the end of his first term. Presently they are working diligently on stabilizing the banks, by infusing large amounts of cash into these institutions, as to free up lending, and solve liquidity problems. they are also working on forcing the American auto industry to retool and put in place, key people that fit the governments vision of what type of vehicles should be built for the future, and the personnel that runs these companies. We also know that health care will become socialized medicine, and the cost will be massive. In addition Barack, and other key Democrats such as Diane Feinstien have let it be known that gun control is in the near future. Much higher taxes are inevitable to repay all this Tarp money. Big government is an understatement when describing the future of America, Socialism is not. And the national debt could reach twenty trillion dollars, when they raise the peverbial mission accomplished banner.

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