Monday, December 12, 2011

Occupy Induced Recession 2012?.

The catalyst events driving us towards another recession are occurring on a more frequent and consistent basis, the European debt crises, unemployment, slow growth, consumer spending, and now the Occupy Wall Street movement. Weekly demonstrations across the country and the globe are creating an unanticipated drag on already depleted revenue sources by blocking the flow of commerce, and the constant need for law enforcement to maintain the peace and remove established encampments in public areas. As governments bail out banks, corporations, and others that have been coined as the 1% a disconnect between middle America and its own government grows. Bubbles being created to offset today's problems will undoubtedly become tomorrows latest economic dilemma and will destabilize an already shaky world economy. Comprehensive and sustainable solutions are needed soon so that this nation can return to the healthy economic environment we have become accustomed to in recent decades. We have been viewed as innovative world leaders in the past and can achieve this again in the future.

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