Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Going Viral

A new dynamic is spreading fast in the form of accelerating video to the masses via the internet. Pictures taken at various rallies across the country and the globe are being broadcast at an extremely fast rate showing injustices made by law enforcement at relatively peaceful demonstrations. Students and others are being pepper sprayed and submitted by baton wielding riot police for such offences as disobeying an order to leave the area. These individuals are expressing their rights to the constitutional act of free speech and dissent. The most recent use of chemical weapons on U.C. Davis students has caused an uproar nationwide, and the demand for the resignation of the schools Chancellor Linda Katehi. This ability will undoubtedly foster a larger and increasingly disgruntled movement nationwide, just as it has done across the globe of late. Social networking will become the new nightmare scenario for governments trying to stem the tide of change. The transparency of greed has caused many an empire to fall, and technology is now its accelerant.

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