Monday, November 7, 2011

China Syndrome

U.C. Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi's recently outlined a plan to bolster the foreign student population studying at the University, saying it is essential in developing new revenue to stave off future cuts, help hire 300 new professors, and make other improvements to the campus. According to a recent article in the Sacramento Bee Chinese students now make up the largest percentage of foreign students at U.C. Davis at 560 students with a total of 1,662 students from around the globe altogether. They pay as much as 22,878 a year more than resident students, and the foreign student population attending university's throughout the U.S. has increased ten fold since 2007. At this rate a huge disparity between American and foreign students being received by American University's should happen very quickly. I find this strategy of economic discrimination of American students that pay less, nothing more than pure greed, and it must stop. I can only see this change come as the result of litigation thus mitigating this unfair practice. This reminds me of the onslaught of outsourcing that has plagued the manufacturing sector in the last decade with the decimation of our job base as the net result. How much longer can this country continue to cannibalize its greatest assets in the name of profits?.

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