Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Perception Is Everything

The United States Of America has become a great Nation for many reasons, it has maintained its status for over one hundred years as a global leader by impressing upon other nations the need for a free and Democratic society. That all people are created equally and deserve the same opportunities. The fact that we are one of the most diverse countries in the world reflects that belief system. This is now in jeopardy as the perception of us changes throughout the globe, as countries begin to believe that we are only out for ourselves and are less concerned for our poor and disenfranchised neighbors. The recent global economic downturn along with technology has morphed this perception at an unbelievably fast pace. Many blame us for the unethical business practices implemented by financial titans here and abroad as the economic destabilization and reorganization of governments spreads worldwide. It is imperative that we mitigate any negative perceptions and regenerate the broken trust that has been hard earned. Nothing can achieve this faster than by starting to work on the problems within our own boarders by addressing such problems as hunger, unemployment, education, and helping the elderly and disabled. As we show concern for our own citizens, the confidence of others will surely follow.

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