Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mega Shock

With approximately 2.8 Trillion dollars in wealth vaporizing recently worldwide, and the market continuing to act like a Yo-Yo, I believe we are about to enter into a area of shocking market losses. As fear driven swings continue, so does incompetent fiscal decision making and partisan politics. The unsustainable pattern of borrow and spend has finally come to a point where the negative ramifications outweigh any bubble creation upside. We have lost vital credibility as a financial world leader and other countries beckon at the chance to replace us on the globalized world stage. Our dollar is declining in raw purchasing power and could soon be replaced as the worlds reserve currency, as other heavily vested countries realize they need to minimize massive exposure rates in a strategic hedge movement. This dire situation can only be blamed on the sheer greed of those political leaders in both parties as they have pandered to not only corporate but private interests as well. Hopefully the miracle of common sense takes hold within our leadership and we can move in a direction that will heal this economy for future generations of Americans.

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