Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cheap Shot

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently called the United States parasites on the world economy. Wow you know its getting tough when the communists take a cheap shot at you and not only are they right, but they are dead on. He also went on to say that we have no actual wealth because it is all leveraged and we still don't live within our means. In addition we have other countries fight our illegal wars and they also end up financing them. He said that countries like China, Russia, and Japan will take big hits financially as they are heavily vested in U.S. Treasuries, that eventually will become worthless investments. I personally find it hard to build a case for calling Vladimir a nationalist disgruntled idiot, making fabricated comments about the U.S. how about you?. Maybe we can step back and take a good objective look at ourselves as we all have bought into the borrow, and then borrow some more American dream program. It looks like the sun is now setting on this unsustainable belief system and we will all pay rich or poor. It hurts when others tell the truth about your weaknesses whether their intentions are negative or positive. It will not be easy for this Nation to give up its addiction for cheap easy money, but nothing worth while ever is.

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