Monday, August 1, 2011

Credibility Lost

The recent news that a vote to raise the debt ceiling has passed should be viewed as a temporary band-aid fix at best, to a problem that will plague this nation for years if not decades. In delaying a default on U.S. debt by lopping another round of borrowing into the equation, we are increasing the odds of a double dip economy and delaying the solution of growth, innovation, and job creation. The polarized environment in Washington will undoubtedly spread worldwide as other Nations lose respect, and credibility is lost for the United States. Our own press labeled news story after story as an aura of immaturity when striving towards compromise. As we all know credibility comes hard earned like anything of substance in life, and this could take quite a while to undo. We continue to take a back seat to other Nations that have waited in the wings to emerge as world leaders. They continue to out work us, out invent us, and are on a path to supplanting the very core of our past successes, a dominant educational process followed by young innovators creating products to be sold to the countries that hunger for them. This path will not change until we have leaders on both sides putting this countries needs before their own.

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