Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Deflationary Spiral

Today's revelation from the Federal Reserve that a continued cooling of economic indicators is to be expected in the near future, and we now have to consider deflation as an equal if not greater threat than inflation. The prospect of falling prices on goods and services, and an unwilling lending environment is not what an already fatigued small business sector needs to hear in this fragile recovery of ours. Negative dialog from the powers that be can only ad volatility to markets that could easily take a turn for the worse and relinquish hard earned and unexpected gains. One meeting they say that economic green shoots are growing everywhere, followed by an austerity like quantitative easing type strategy at today's meeting. This is like following a squirrel down the road not knowing which way its headed. A comprehensive game plan with structure is needed as opposed to lets try this and if it doesn't work we can try that. The only sure thing is that when this whole thing blows over this nation will have one hell of an increase in the national debt. Why not use Japan as a template as what not to do? as they are the most recent example of a recession with these type of conditions, and develop a model accordingly.

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