Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Frozen Legacy

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration a study has just been completed by 300 scientists from 48 countries on global rising temperatures, and the conclusion is the last decade is the hottest on record. In addition 10 major indicators all reflected major and accelerated decline in areas that help mitigate rising surface temperatures. All involved in the study agree that global warming is now undeniable, what ever happened to the theory of majority rules on issues of major importance. NOW not LATER is the time to discount the naysayers as the subversive wackjobs that they are, bought and paid for by corrupt politicians and big oil. The net result of a 6 degree rise in temperature is a full blown ice age, is this fact really something we believe we can ignore or put off until we see the full force of mother natures wrath. The fist step in making progress is not letting those individuals that claim that this is all a cyclical act of nature have a credible platform to spread there ignorance. The world revolves on principles of math and science and the numbers do not lie, we have put natural global warming on steroids. We can mitigate these effects by embracing the energy technology sector with the same passion we embraced the information technology sector and the advent of the Internet. This can only be achieved through higher education and the new generation of young innovators it develops.

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