Friday, June 4, 2010

Debt Debacle

As the stock market continues on its volatile path reoccurring themes are played out daily as contributing factors to its impotence in maintaining an upward run. One of the most popular of late is the sovereign debt crisis in the European block countries. The civil unrest is understandable as citizens hear the cry for Austerity policy implementation by these governments. The IMF or International Monetary Fund has called for the reduction of government spending on subsidies and other public spending programs as an equalization strategy in an effort to stem the continued devaluation of the Euro. I believe that this crisis is a sort of economic petri-dish experiment for the United State's inept fiscal spending policy's our administration has adopted, yes i am implying that it could happen here as well. Now that our National Debt has surpassed our annual GDP at fourteen TRILLION dollars, the writing is on the wall. There is in my opinion an even bigger destabilizing force in wall street and that is the derivative market which is now a forty five trillion dollar market worldwide. Just to give you some perspective on its size the U.S. stock market is estimated to be around fifteen trillion dollars, and all U.S. mortgages wrapped together only equal seven trillion dollars. As long as we enable speculators to bet against government, corporate, or private interests with the unregulated abandon we have all witnessed of late we will see continued unprecedented wealth evaporation worldwide.

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