Friday, July 27, 2012

Terror Ship

The worlds largest yacht is under construction at a shipyard in Germany as I write this blog, this is not big news as there will always be an abundance of elitist idiots attempting to one up the previous record holder in the size department. What is alarming is the name placed on the back of this boat, it is named the Azzam. If you are the U.S. GOVERNMENT you would like the American Public to believe it is named for the Arabic meaning of determination. This is kind of funny because when i typed this into the Internet, Wikipedia and others reference this to the Muslim leader Abdullah Yusuf Azzam who apparently was a mentor to OSAMA BIN LADEN, and AYMAN AL ZAWAHIRI the architects of the 911 tragedy. Why not just label this ship the SS JIHAD or something more appropriate to its intention, and if it truly means determination I guess ungodly wealth cant buy intelligence in the politically correct department can it?.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Land Of Disparity

As we move towards a new election cycle the change promised by the current administration in addressing the ever present problems of health care, unemployment, education, and equal opportunity for all Americans seems to be stuck in "neutral" due to the continued escalation of partisan politics. In fact the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor is now jeopardizing economy's worldwide, and the United States will undoubtedly be blamed for an era of systemic austerity like conditions that are destabilizing governments around the globe. Many feel that capitalism is no longer working for them and that they are merely servants of capitalism. The dissent expressed by the Occupy Wall street movement is the most recent example of this, and even the President himself has jumped on the bandwagon of sympathetic political strategy calling for a share the pain tax hike on those individuals making over One Million Dollars a year. The bailout of big banking, unfunded pension liability's, and huge national deficits will be passed to our children and grandchildren as fast as a baton at the finals of an Olympic relay event. The true blame must lie squarely on the shoulders of the boomers that reaped great pension and portfolio rewards participating in the greatest ponzi scheme ever developed the U.S. STOCK MARKET, leaving future generations to take the hit.