Friday, September 30, 2011

The Only Answer.

There can only be one effective answer in dealing with the all out assault leveled on an affordable education in the State Of California. This must occur at the legislative level, thus mitigating the seemingly never ending fee increases implemented by such individuals as the Board Of Regents, and others that make students pay for the sins of risky wealth management decisions. These educational institutions blame the state and poor economic conditions as to why cuts and Fee increases must continue, as they give themselves huge pay raises and various other perks. The increase of out of state students that pay almost double compared to in-state students should be viewed for what it really is, a hedge strategy of endowment preservation. At the same time in-state students are turned away in a form of economic discrimination. Vital classes needed to graduate on time are suddenly unavailable increasing the time-span to a degree and bolstering student debt. In addition a new law for graduate degrees enables the Federal government to start interest on loans from the first day of classes as apposed to after graduation. New laws would provide the protection needed to achieve the goal of a higher education for those students with the desire and fortitude to do so.