Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debt Bomb

As we watch the final hours countdown on the debt ceiling debacle, one can only feel that Americans are somehow being held hostage by Democrats and Republicans alike. A decision either way will be at best a choosing of the lesser of two evils. One decision will result in the possible cutting of the Nations AAA credit rating effecting the cost of everything from interest on credit card rates, mortgages, car loans, and the debasing of American currency, the other decision a continued fiscally irresponsible path with dramatic future ramifications. Other countries must be amazed at our inability to proceed on a sustainable economic path, and a loss of respect will likely be the outcome. It is wrong to pass the proverbial buck onto the backs of future generations and drift into a comfortable retirement as many boomers will. How will we look into the eyes of our grandchildren knowing that we have mortgaged future opportunities and pilfered valuable resources that are needed to maintain a healthy economy now and in the future.