Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ending Partisan Politics

As quantitative easing policy's end this month cracks in the foundation of wall street are beginning to show. The latest data on manufacturing, and the unemployment front are clearly disappointing, and just as we thought we could remove the training wheels from this economic recovery so it could ride on its own it has began to falter once more. Now we have a disagreement between parties on the issue of whether to raise the debt ceiling or not, and if this is not ironed out soon we could see a double dip in the market just as we have seen in housing. The lack of a common sense strategy is about to show its ramifications due to a continued borrow and spend philosophy. And the unrestricted printing of money can not have a positive outcome due to the debasing and dilution of American currency. If our dollar is replaced as the prime choice of reserve currencies worldwide things can only free fall from there. It is time for our elected officials to man up and put aside partisan politics before we encounter something worse than what he have recently experienced in the last few years. The futures of our children and grandchildren depend on it.